Permit-Free Photography Location Ideas in Toronto

So you want to shoot outdoors, but don’t want to spend that money on securing a permit from the City of Toronto? We got you covered. Here are the best types of places that we suggest you check out for your next photoshoot.

Where are Toronto’s top free photoshoot spots? For detailed lists tap on the links below.

  1. Master List of Toronto’s Top FREE Shoot Spots

  2. Toronto’s Best Free Rustic Photoshoot Spots

Where are the best permit-free photoshoot spots in Toronto?

Toronto Parks

This includes places such as beaches and parks. If you’re not shooting commercially, then you can shoot for fun without a permit.

Toronto Cafés

If you’re not shooting with a massive camera lens and any auxiliary lighting, then you can get away with taking some snaps inside a coffee shop!

Toronto’s Streets

Street photography in cool places with nice monuments and architecture can get you some great shots!

An Uber / Taxicab

Most people won’t mind if you take pictures in the back of their cars, so long as there isn’t anything identifiable to them in the captures. Always ask permission, just to be safe!

Toronto’s Harbourfront

Have you ever walked or cycled along the lake front? Toronto has a ton of awesome areas by the shore on Lake Ontario which are worth checking out. Notable are parks like Sugar Beach and HTO Beach, and Harbourfront.

Abandoned Buildings

This isn’t exactly legal, but we’re not lawyers and this isn’t legal advice. We’re just stating ideas, not that you have to follow them!

Photography Studio Rentals

Or you could always rent a studio if you have a budget, or your shoot gets rained in! Have a look at our pricing, below!


Founded in 2015, ThatTorontoStudio is Canada’s leading photography studio rental service, based in Toronto, Ontario.

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